Tony Gale can be reached at
  101 W 23rd St, #2252
  NYC 10011
Selected Clients
American Lawyer Bank of America Michael Van Valkenburgh AssociatesAlternative Press Alternative Tentacles Greenpitch Magazine Washington Law & Politics Metropolitan Living
Realistic Records Jane Magazine Fujifilm USA Gulf Coast Business Review American Folk Art Museum Alamini Design
Washington Works Best Buy McGraw Hill 15 Minutes PR Lolex Productions State Farm Phoenix House New York Moves Magazine Indigo Hotel
About Tony
Tony Gale is an award winning, NYC based photographer. Tony was raised in Bellingham, Washington (90 miles north of Seattle) and spent most of his time as a child exploring the woods behind his parents house.
At 19 after visiting Bruce Lee's grave in Seattle, and taking his first photo with a disposable camera, he bought his first camera. He promptly broke it and bought his first SLR. At 21 he moved to Seattle to pursue photography and in fall of 2000 moved to NYC, the center of the world.
Tony was a member of the ASMPNY steering committee from 2001-2006, and has been a member of the APANY board since 2006. Since fall of 2009 Tony has also been a part time instructor at Parsons the New School of Design.
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